Surface tensiometer price

Surface tensiometer price

We feel that every investment in a surface tensiometer should provide both performance and value to the user. At Kibron we therefore strive for high Surface Tensiometer price-performance ratio, including proper customer training. Our family of surface & Interfacial tensiometers offer automated measurements via single push button or single software key, giving operator independent results and a surface tensiometer performance-value that leads the field. 

Utilizing robust materials and design, coupled to modern electronics and manufacturing processes, allows us to deliver higher quality instruments at lower prices. Especially in the design of our sensor, we rely on cutting edge optoelectronic technology with high quality quartz springs, instead of conventional coil based force sensors. The outcome of the sensor development has been surface balances with unrivaled performance and sensitivity, at an affordable price. As an adduitional bonus, the force sensor is much smaller than other designs, still in use by our competitors. There is no need to pay for big sensors which require big Wilhelmy plates or DuNouy rings to achieve sufficient resolution!

We strive for a small footprint design to provide powerful and portable solutions, and more space for experiments in the laboratory. All at an economic cost compared to other instruments on the market, which can’t offer the same surface tensiometer quality and price performance ratio. The ability to make enhanced measurements, such as measurements of high viscosity samples (>100 000 cP), or surface tension vs. time measurments with the same instrument gives our devices performance and features often associated with high value instrumentation so our surface tensiometer price performance ratio is further enhanced. 

We provide full software control functionalities at an investment level often lower than other surface tension systems supplied as stand alone units. We are also open to provide any details to our customers on our software needed for further integration in automized systems, or on our methods for adequate scientific evaluation. The price performance ratio we offer stands out from the crowd also in this respect.

We provide a range of consumables and accessories which are easy to use and guarantees clean contaminant free conditions to the users, so that savings extend all the way to the laboratory.  Utilisation of the same measuring geometry for multiple method types means you need only one geometry type instead of several. Other suppliers’ geometries can be 10 times the cost of the Kibron geometries this provides real ongoing cost savings to users.

Surface tensiometer price

With our automated surface tensiometers available from €6000 upwards for a complete system visit or contact us at to see why our surface tensiometer price – performance ratio is fast becoming the standard users are looking for. Depending on your country, you can register to view pricing, or ask our distributor in your area to contact you with quotations. 

Kibron Inc. Oy

Malminkaari 23 C
FIN-00700 Helsinki

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